Thursday, 22 November 2012


I got my nails did !!!!!!!!!!  I've never had them done before but after being a nail biter for the past 10 years my nails needed some tlc and to be honest I kinda feel the pressure to have nice nails at work coz everyone else has them.

I got gells coz apparently there better the acrylics or something like that, I dunno all the information piled on me went way over my head ....I wasn't expecting it to take 2 and a quarter hours though that was insannneeeee!!!! Oh well their blue and sparkly and long and I'm so in love with them I keep clicking them together much to my mammas annoyance.

I went to Lincoln Cathedral today OMG its one of the most beautiful Cathedrals I've ever been in. So much detail in all the stone work inside and out, a photographers dream. Being from Ely I'm used to Cathedrals but nothing like this one, even all the stained glass - each window told a completely different story I just didn't no where to look

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