Thursday, 22 November 2012


I got my nails did !!!!!!!!!!  I've never had them done before but after being a nail biter for the past 10 years my nails needed some tlc and to be honest I kinda feel the pressure to have nice nails at work coz everyone else has them.

I got gells coz apparently there better the acrylics or something like that, I dunno all the information piled on me went way over my head ....I wasn't expecting it to take 2 and a quarter hours though that was insannneeeee!!!! Oh well their blue and sparkly and long and I'm so in love with them I keep clicking them together much to my mammas annoyance.

I went to Lincoln Cathedral today OMG its one of the most beautiful Cathedrals I've ever been in. So much detail in all the stone work inside and out, a photographers dream. Being from Ely I'm used to Cathedrals but nothing like this one, even all the stained glass - each window told a completely different story I just didn't no where to look

Monday, 19 November 2012

Dip Dye Hair Disaster- L'Oreal Ombre

So about a month ago I decided to go for the dip dye trend that every ones rocking at the moment!! So off I go to the hairdressers with aim of having hair like the next Caroline Flack (major girl crush) after sitting in the chair for about half an hour and seeing about 3 different stylists they decided to go for it.

DID IT LOOK GOOD ? I hear you ask!!

To top it off no one really new what they were doing I asked for dip dye ..... what I got was just the underneath bleached blonde so when I wear my hair down it looks no different!!! The whole day was just a disaster to be fair. She started off putting the bleach on but due to the fact I had box dyed my hair about 5 months prior it went pink, so after putting my hair through 2 sets of bleaching and then multiple toners I walk away with a semi white-caramel colour underneath with the top dyed a brownish colour, only the brown didn't take either or it ended up red with reddy brown roots!!!!!!!!!



I did contemplate not paying for it as it wasn't what I wanted but decided against it because it looked ok in the end just not what I asked for.

Anyway back to the story !! I've seen the new L'Oreal Ombre kits available and I thought I'd test it out. Another disaster (I should just learn to leave my hair alone) I mixed the dye and put it on my hair, it went on so easily (although my hair was a little to thick for the brush so I found it easier to use my hands)  only once I finished applying I realised I had failed to add the lightening crème to the mixture!!! PANICCCCCC!!!!!!!!        So I kind of slapped it on afterwards and hoped for the best.


I must say I'm impressed! I knew my hair would never go blonde blonde because of the amount of dye build up I have in my ends (red, purple, brown) and the fact that I put the mixture on wrong, its came out a nice copper colour but there is a definite change of colour. Another go in a couple of weeks and hopefully it'll go the same colour blonde as I have underneath!! FINGERSCROSSED


Saturday, 17 November 2012


Exactly a month ago today I was living the dream in Paris!!!!!

I've never been before and it was the first proper holiday away without my parents!!! Major eeeekkkkkk.
I'm quite surprised I managed to navigate the metro all by myself without anyhelp!!

As all the attractions are free if your under 26 I spent next to no money, although a few cheap and cheerful tacky souvenirs including a berret and some little Eiffel Tower keyring which were like 3 for a Euro or something redic.

I did all the major tourist stuff like climbed the Eiffel Tower in the dark at night and saw all of beautiful Paris glittering like tiny diamonds down below, and I went to the top of the Notre Dame and saw the inside which was beautiful beyond words.