Sunday, 13 January 2013

Post Christmas Post Blah

Hello my lovelies !!!! I hope you all had a lovely Christmas and a equally as exciting New Year ?

Mine was fairly average!! What can I say? Mine was fairly average, I guess when you get older Christmas just doesn't seem as magical anymore especially when you have such a close knit family like mine.

SALES ARE SO DISSAPOINTING THIS YEAR!!!1 does anyone else think that? I work for Zara and we only took £20 off to start (its slowly increasing now) but that's pretty bad even for our standards. Topshop usually one of my fav's to browse in was pretty lame as well !! I did manage to pick up a couple of cute bralets for half price though but still no what you expect from a chain like that!!

Working in retail means I tend to get a feel of the trends as soon as they come in. This year it seems to have kicked off with black and white stripes YESSSS !!!! I'm quite a prints and pattern type of girl but Im totally digging this trend. I think a pair of simple cigarette pants with a crop top or bralet would look ace on a dance floor with a killer pair of heels and a massive scruffy bun (my signature look).

Ive not really been up to much lately just work, work, work but I'm going to London tomorrow to check out the Natural History Museum they have some massive Photography exhibition so no doubt ill bombard you with pictures tomorrow.

Hear are some Instagram pictures of my year just to keep you going ;) feel free to have a look or folly me @lovelorndaisy

Peace and Love


Friday, 14 December 2012

Soggy Friday Eve

I don't know about how it is in your part of the world but mine is pretty miserable this eve! I mean do we really need this much rain? There should be a law against it!'
 Just thought as there's not much to do I'd give you a bit of an insight into what makes me tick !!
Fashion to me doesn't come much better then being quirky and standing out from the crowd! I'm quite a tomboy at heart, I love the whole grungy layered look about it. Don't get me wrong I love getting glammed up on a night out but for me, my teeny tiny mini dress is always going to have a oversized denim jacket or some kind of tatty worn out leather jacket to mix it up a bit.
Two clothing lines that I cant get enough of at the minute is Toska Apparel. Team their T Shirts and Beanies with some Leggings or Skinny Jeans and top it off with a pair of High Tops or Army Boots and you be the Kings and Queens of Cool. You can check them out at
The other is Lazy Oaf!!!

 OMG  I could go on about these all day. They have some of the most amazing quirky little things on there. From Fruit Print Crop Tops to Robin Rings there something out there for everyone and I am quite frankly utterly obsessed with them. They stock everything from Mens to Ladies and then chuck in  a few cheeky accessories. I'm pretty into their baggy knitwear and there Crop Tops are to die for. I practically live and die in them. They come in such amazing colours and prints there something that you can wear again and again in so many different ways.
Music !!!!!! August 2013 will be the 5th year in a row that I've been to Reading festival, to me summer doesn't get much better then sitting in a massive field with your friends and 84,000 other people enjoying some of the best music that money can buy. 
Arctic Monkeys, Maccabees and Black Keys are possibly my all time favourite bands ever all which I've seen there strutting their stuff. I try to go to as many gigs as possible its a great place to make friends and get up to all sorts of mischief!!
Any way enough for now
Peace and Love
Tori xx

Thursday, 22 November 2012


I got my nails did !!!!!!!!!!  I've never had them done before but after being a nail biter for the past 10 years my nails needed some tlc and to be honest I kinda feel the pressure to have nice nails at work coz everyone else has them.

I got gells coz apparently there better the acrylics or something like that, I dunno all the information piled on me went way over my head ....I wasn't expecting it to take 2 and a quarter hours though that was insannneeeee!!!! Oh well their blue and sparkly and long and I'm so in love with them I keep clicking them together much to my mammas annoyance.

I went to Lincoln Cathedral today OMG its one of the most beautiful Cathedrals I've ever been in. So much detail in all the stone work inside and out, a photographers dream. Being from Ely I'm used to Cathedrals but nothing like this one, even all the stained glass - each window told a completely different story I just didn't no where to look

Monday, 19 November 2012

Dip Dye Hair Disaster- L'Oreal Ombre

So about a month ago I decided to go for the dip dye trend that every ones rocking at the moment!! So off I go to the hairdressers with aim of having hair like the next Caroline Flack (major girl crush) after sitting in the chair for about half an hour and seeing about 3 different stylists they decided to go for it.

DID IT LOOK GOOD ? I hear you ask!!

To top it off no one really new what they were doing I asked for dip dye ..... what I got was just the underneath bleached blonde so when I wear my hair down it looks no different!!! The whole day was just a disaster to be fair. She started off putting the bleach on but due to the fact I had box dyed my hair about 5 months prior it went pink, so after putting my hair through 2 sets of bleaching and then multiple toners I walk away with a semi white-caramel colour underneath with the top dyed a brownish colour, only the brown didn't take either or it ended up red with reddy brown roots!!!!!!!!!



I did contemplate not paying for it as it wasn't what I wanted but decided against it because it looked ok in the end just not what I asked for.

Anyway back to the story !! I've seen the new L'Oreal Ombre kits available and I thought I'd test it out. Another disaster (I should just learn to leave my hair alone) I mixed the dye and put it on my hair, it went on so easily (although my hair was a little to thick for the brush so I found it easier to use my hands)  only once I finished applying I realised I had failed to add the lightening crème to the mixture!!! PANICCCCCC!!!!!!!!        So I kind of slapped it on afterwards and hoped for the best.


I must say I'm impressed! I knew my hair would never go blonde blonde because of the amount of dye build up I have in my ends (red, purple, brown) and the fact that I put the mixture on wrong, its came out a nice copper colour but there is a definite change of colour. Another go in a couple of weeks and hopefully it'll go the same colour blonde as I have underneath!! FINGERSCROSSED


Saturday, 17 November 2012


Exactly a month ago today I was living the dream in Paris!!!!!

I've never been before and it was the first proper holiday away without my parents!!! Major eeeekkkkkk.
I'm quite surprised I managed to navigate the metro all by myself without anyhelp!!

As all the attractions are free if your under 26 I spent next to no money, although a few cheap and cheerful tacky souvenirs including a berret and some little Eiffel Tower keyring which were like 3 for a Euro or something redic.

I did all the major tourist stuff like climbed the Eiffel Tower in the dark at night and saw all of beautiful Paris glittering like tiny diamonds down below, and I went to the top of the Notre Dame and saw the inside which was beautiful beyond words.